Post by CoreyTo: brad
Post by CoreyPost by CoreyTo: manofearth
Re: Crossroads of the Elements
By: manofearth to comp.bbs.majorbbs,alt.bbs.majorbbs on Mon Mar 14 2005
02:05 pm
Post by CoreyPost by manofearthAnyone have any info on this game and its availability to WG 3.2 or
Crossroads of the Elements.
not going to happen. he ported his game to a self standing game server and
Post by Coreysell or give any code for the mbbs versions. and he never made a Nt port
of it.
sounds familar what if you have a system that had it back in the
day..?...with valid code?... i think i have such but you'd prob only be able
to run it on mbbs ver 6.21 or below...
yeah, but a lot of them don't care anymore.
IT could be ported. But I don't think anyone ever had a full source kit
for that particular game.
If anyone has it, or any other game for that matter, from the version
5.x era, I can port it for them.
I've ported a ton of them to NT - look at the games running on