My Bank account EXPLODED
(too old to reply)
2004-07-12 21:35:43 UTC
To: Max4568
Re: My Bank account EXPLODED
By: Max4568 to alt.bbs.majorbbs on Mon Jul 12 2004 09:06 pm
My Bank account EXPLODED
Q: Can I really get over $50,000 every month?
A: Yes! Guaranteed
In less than 1 Week
you can have your own
Website like this one and start earning ....
and then watch your Bank account EXPLODE !!
"This ContagiousPlan plan is really contagious, once your start your friends
Quick and easy sign-up... get your own webpage in under 1 Week!
This "Contagious Marketing" system works for you around-the-clock to bring y
The Contagious nature of this system ensures that your Bank account will exp
Your Bank Account Can Also Explode Like World Population.
Double a penny every day for a month and what do you get? Over one 10 Millio
ContagiousPlan fully exploits this phenomenon to help generate Fortune from
So how does this system work?
Our system is similar to others you may have seen on the Internet with one m
When you sign up, you will receive a website just like this one with your Bo
When someone signs up from your website, their membership will be placed in
f Wealth earned!
How do I get guaranteed earning?
When someone signs up from your site, they must first click on your Box whic
Each Box will have to be clicked on to pay the 6 upliners
How much Wealth can I expect?
Lets be extremely conservative and assume that your webpage and everybody el
10 people sign up from you: 1 x 10 = Your earn 10 x $10=$100
10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 10 = Your earn 100 x $10=$1000
10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 100 = Your earn 1,000 x $10=$10,
10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 1,000 = Your earn 10,000 x $10=$
10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 10,000 = Your earn 100,000 x $10
Total: 100+1000+10,000+100,000+1,000,000= $1,111,100
This system works amazingly well on the Internet. There is nothing to slow i
laying your Box within a short time!
The system works extremely well so be prepared for some massive visitor traf
We also provide FREE Tools to help promote your ContagiousPlan webpage! Read
1. I don't really understand this. What exactly do you want me to do???
First of all, ask yourself if you would like to make some extra money with l
"Would you rather go it alone and have to do all the work to get a return on
If you answered yes to that, you should not hesitate to join us right away.
When joining, you will be asked to choose which MLM opportunity downline bui
After you have joined, you can just sit back and wait to see your downline g
2. I still think this is very suspicious
We are aware that this seems strange to most of you. You think that this is
upline directly without companies involvement.
Multi Level Marketing is a serious business strategy to put a company in gre
gs to pay you a commission on your sales and the sales of your downline!
The majority of people that get involved in MLM or Network Marketing (95% is
a huge mass of people who end up losing their investment. Here is where Cont
3. I don't see why I should join you
You will probably forget about us in a couple of days. You did NOT make any
about us you will decide that a little help would be nice. So you visit aga
You visit our Home page, read the message board and see that other people ar
Again in a few days you forget about Contagious Plan.
Then you see something about Contagious Plan again. You decide to give it an
cited. No doubt about it, all these people are here to make money! And in th
A couple of months pass and suddenly it's your turn to join the MLM company.
Now comes the hardest part. Waiting for the members below you to join. This
t, they can do it!
A couple of days will pass again. You begin to think that you were fooled an
your initial investment is almost paid back. It worked! It really worked!
Quickly you telling others about Contagious Plan. Excitedly you write in the
A couple of days later...Pop! ...$120! Gosh! Two weeks later...$200! "Sheezz
You can continue to go it alone and do all the hard work, invest all the tim
4. Why do I need you? Can't I join the MLM company directly?
Of course you can join any business opportunity you want without our assista
in the network marketing method.
Contagious Plan helps you with the hardest part of MLM...to sponsor people.
to do!
Each of us wanted to earn some extra income when we tried out our first MLM
help each other SUCCEED?! Contagious Plan was born with this thought! We wa
6. What if the company closes after 6 months? I don't believe any MLM compan
Normally, MLM companies fail when the growth stops and the revenue generated
of your fee to keep the Website going and to cover the administration cost.
If you have done the little work needed to train your immediate downline to
If you choose to do nothing it will take a lot longer to fill your downline.
7. This looks like a pyramid scheme to me. How can you say it is legal?
Pyramid schemes or chain letters are illegal. Contagious Plan is NOT one of
In a pyramid scheme you buy yourself a position in a network in order to mak
--- Synchronet 3.11c-Win32 NewsLink 1.76
email fowarded to FBI in dc.

"this message posted on entirely post consumer recycled electrons.."
2004-07-13 00:03:04 UTC
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Post by Corey
My Bank account EXPLODED
Q: Can I really get over $50,000 every month?
A: Yes! Guaranteed
In less than 1 Week
you can have your own
Website like this one and start earning ....
and then watch your Bank account EXPLODE !!
"This ContagiousPlan plan is really contagious, once your start your
friends and colleagues get infected with it they just don't stop"
Post by Corey
Quick and easy sign-up... get your own webpage in under 1 Week!
This "Contagious Marketing" system works for you around-the-clock to bring
you Fortune!
Post by Corey
The Contagious nature of this system ensures that your Bank account will
exponentially increase!
Post by Corey
Your Bank Account Can Also Explode Like World Population.
Double a penny every day for a month and what do you get? Over one 10
Million $! That's the power of exponential growth, and the Internet is the
one medium that can harness that power... for just $60!
Post by Corey
ContagiousPlan fully exploits this phenomenon to help generate Fortune
from your website!
Post by Corey
So how does this system work?
Our system is similar to others you may have seen on the Internet with one
major difference... our system guarantees Wealth through your website! The
concept is simple; at the bottom of this page you will notice 6 members
Post by Corey
Post by Corey
When you sign up, you will receive a website just like this one with your
Box in the #1 position! The member that was in the #1 position will move
down to the #2 position, the 2nd to the #3 position, and so on with the 5th
member being taken off of the page.
Post by Corey
When someone signs up from your website, their membership will be placed
in the #1 spot with you moving to the #2 spot, the 2nd moving down to the #3
spot and so on. By the time your position reaches the #5 spot, you will have
noticed an amazing amount of Wealth earned!
Post by Corey
How do I get guaranteed earning?
When someone signs up from your site, they must first click on your Box
which will open a new window leading to your payment page.
Post by Corey
Each Box will have to be clicked on to pay the 6 upliners
How much Wealth can I expect?
Lets be extremely conservative and assume that your webpage and everybody
else's pages only get 10 sign-ups, when you reach 5th level it will look
Post by Corey
10 people sign up from you: 1 x 10 = Your earn 10 x $10=$100
10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 10 = Your earn 100 x $10=$1000
10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 100 = Your earn 1,000 x
Post by Corey
10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 1,000 = Your earn 10,000 x
Post by Corey
10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 10,000 = Your earn 100,000 x
Post by Corey
Total: 100+1000+10,000+100,000+1,000,000= $1,111,100
This system works amazingly well on the Internet. There is nothing to slow
it down. You can setup your ContagiousPlan webpage today and have 5 or 10
sign-ups within a few days! With it being so easy to join you could
literally have over 50,000 sites displaying your Box within a short time!
Post by Corey
The system works extremely well so be prepared for some massive visitor
traffic to your site!
Post by Corey
We also provide FREE Tools to help promote your ContagiousPlan webpage!
Ready to start receiving your Fortune ? Then follow the instructions below!
Post by Corey
1. I don't really understand this. What exactly do you want me to do???
First of all, ask yourself if you would like to make some extra money with
little effort (anyone would want that, right?)
Post by Corey
"Would you rather go it alone and have to do all the work to get a return
on your investment OR would you rather work with a group of like minded
people who help each other earn a return on their investment?"
Post by Corey
If you answered yes to that, you should not hesitate to join us right
away. Start from the Home Page, 1st pay your sponsor, the 1st member, 2nd,
3rd, 4th and 5th member. Now you are ready to sign up.
Post by Corey
When joining, you will be asked to choose which MLM opportunity downline
builders (Sponsor) you would like to join. You can select any or search
Post by Corey
After you have joined, you can just sit back and wait to see your downline
grow, OR you can do some sponsoring yourself to move things along a lot
Post by Corey
2. I still think this is very suspicious
We are aware that this seems strange to most of you. You think that this
is a pyramid scheme or a fraud that will make you lose your money. We do not
collect the fees from members, set their guidelines or pay the commissions
earned. Each member pays his upline directly without companies involvement.
Post by Corey
Multi Level Marketing is a serious business strategy to put a company in
great profit. By using a group of independent contactors they have a major
savings on advertising. So, they pay YOU to advertise and sell their product
for them. They use this savings to pay you a commission on your sales and
the sales of your downline!
Post by Corey
The majority of people that get involved in MLM or Network Marketing (95%
is the latest figure published) don't recruit a large enough downline to
get a return on their investment. By gathering all the people that cannot
sell or recruit, we end up with a huge mass of people who end up losing
their investment. Here is where Contagious Plan enters. By banding together
and helping each other, everyone can get a return on their investment with
just a fraction of the work and cost it would take alone! Everyone wins!
Post by Corey
3. I don't see why I should join you
You will probably forget about us in a couple of days. You did NOT make
any money and you did NOT lose any time. I guarantee you that you will be
seeing our name around the net and our members talking about the club. Maybe
the next time you see something about us you will decide that a little help
would be nice. So you visit again and this time decide to sign up.
Post by Corey
You visit our Home page, read the message board and see that other people
are excited about what we offer. You wait for a few weeks but then you lose
confidence in our system, so you leave. This time you did NOT make any money
but you DID lose some time. Again in a few days you forget about Contagious
Post by Corey
Then you see something about Contagious Plan again. You decide to give it
another try. You visit the member's area, read the message board and mail a
few people to hear their opinion about the club. You give it a little more
time and suddenly you feel excited. No doubt about it, all these people are
here to make money! And in the message board there are people who actually
have made money and who participate again!
Post by Corey
A couple of months pass and suddenly it's your turn to join the MLM
company. You hesitate. Should you really risk the investment of say $12?
After thinking it over, you decide to go for it. After all, $12 is not that
much money these days.
Post by Corey
Now comes the hardest part. Waiting for the members below you to join.
This requires patience. They now need to wait for their downline to grow.
You should try to help the members below you by answering their questions
and easing their mind. If you did it, they can do it!
Post by Corey
A couple of days will pass again. You begin to think that you were fooled
and then suddenly... Pop! look into your mailbox. Excited you open it...$2 x
5=$10! in your PayPal account. You are stunned! Although the sum isn't big,
you scream out loud because your initial investment is almost paid back. It
worked! It really worked!
Post by Corey
Quickly you telling others about Contagious Plan. Excitedly you write in
the message board that you have got your first payment! "It really works, so
now I'm going to join again!"
Post by Corey
A couple of days later...Pop! ...$120! Gosh! Two weeks later...$200!
"Sheezzaam! This really works! How could I ever doubt in this?!"
Post by Corey
You can continue to go it alone and do all the hard work, invest all the
time and money it takes to build a downline of eager opportunity seekers who
also want to make an extra income OR you can at least check it out.
Post by Corey
4. Why do I need you? Can't I join the MLM company directly?
Of course you can join any business opportunity you want without our
assistance. If you are willing to continuously work countless hours
convincing others to join under you to keep your downline filled. You will
almost certainly fail and lose confidence in the network marketing method.
Post by Corey
Contagious Plan helps you with the hardest part of MLM...to sponsor
people. When everyone who joins does just a little marketing everyday,
everyone's downline stays filled! Everyone earns doing just a fraction of
the work that the super salespeople have to do!
Post by Corey
Each of us wanted to earn some extra income when we tried out our first
MLM company. Because we were working alone we failed. That's why we started
the club! We knew there had to be a better way. What if the 95% who would
normally fail joined together to help each other SUCCEED?! Contagious Plan
was born with this thought! We want to help YOU make money!
Post by Corey
6. What if the company closes after 6 months? I don't believe any MLM
Post by Corey
Normally, MLM companies fail when the growth stops and the revenue
generated is far less than the Multi-Tier Payouts. Contagious Plan does not
have any Payouts each member pays his upline directly, so there is no
question of closing. We take only a part of your fee to keep the Website
going and to cover the administration cost.
Post by Corey
If you have done the little work needed to train your immediate downline
to do what you did, you can watch as the members below you join and pay as
well. Then you will start receiving $$$ from your downline!
Post by Corey
If you choose to do nothing it will take a lot longer to fill your
downline. But hey, you did nothing, so why complain? You never have to do
anything except for paying the fee when invited to join under your upline
Post by Corey
7. This looks like a pyramid scheme to me. How can you say it is legal?
Pyramid schemes or chain letters are illegal. Contagious Plan is NOT one
of those. Contagious Plan is a Downline building Club. We help you build
downlines with interested people who want to join the MLM companies.
Post by Corey
In a pyramid scheme you buy yourself a position in a network in order to
make money and the company offers no product. The way you make money is to
get other people to join under you and get them to get others to join under
them, without getting a product.
Post by Corey
Connor Sterner
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Post by Corey
My Bank account EXPLODED
Q: Can I really get over $50,000 every month?
A: Yes! Guaranteed
In less than 1 Week
you can have your own
Website like this one and start earning ....
and then watch your Bank account EXPLODE !!
"This ContagiousPlan plan is really contagious, once your start your
friends and colleagues get infected with it they just don't stop"
Post by Corey
Quick and easy sign-up... get your own webpage in under 1 Week!
This "Contagious Marketing" system works for you around-the-clock to bring
you Fortune!
Post by Corey
The Contagious nature of this system ensures that your Bank account will
exponentially increase!
Post by Corey
Your Bank Account Can Also Explode Like World Population.
Double a penny every day for a month and what do you get? Over one 10
Million $! That's the power of exponential growth, and the Internet is the
one medium that can harness that power... for just $60!
Post by Corey
ContagiousPlan fully exploits this phenomenon to help generate Fortune
from your website!
Post by Corey
So how does this system work?
Our system is similar to others you may have seen on the Internet with one
major difference... our system guarantees Wealth through your website! The
concept is simple; at the bottom of this page you will notice 6 members
Post by Corey
Post by Corey
When you sign up, you will receive a website just like this one with your
Box in the #1 position! The member that was in the #1 position will move
down to the #2 position, the 2nd to the #3 position, and so on with the 5th
member being taken off of the page.
Post by Corey
When someone signs up from your website, their membership will be placed
in the #1 spot with you moving to the #2 spot, the 2nd moving down to the #3
spot and so on. By the time your position reaches the #5 spot, you will have
noticed an amazing amount of Wealth earned!
Post by Corey
How do I get guaranteed earning?
When someone signs up from your site, they must first click on your Box
which will open a new window leading to your payment page.
Post by Corey
Each Box will have to be clicked on to pay the 6 upliners
How much Wealth can I expect?
Lets be extremely conservative and assume that your webpage and everybody
else's pages only get 10 sign-ups, when you reach 5th level it will look
Post by Corey
10 people sign up from you: 1 x 10 = Your earn 10 x $10=$100
10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 10 = Your earn 100 x $10=$1000
10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 100 = Your earn 1,000 x
Post by Corey
10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 1,000 = Your earn 10,000 x
Post by Corey
10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 10,000 = Your earn 100,000 x
Post by Corey
Total: 100+1000+10,000+100,000+1,000,000= $1,111,100
This system works amazingly well on the Internet. There is nothing to slow
it down. You can setup your ContagiousPlan webpage today and have 5 or 10
sign-ups within a few days! With it being so easy to join you could
literally have over 50,000 sites displaying your Box within a short time!
Post by Corey
The system works extremely well so be prepared for some massive visitor
traffic to your site!
Post by Corey
We also provide FREE Tools to help promote your ContagiousPlan webpage!
Ready to start receiving your Fortune ? Then follow the instructions below!
Post by Corey
1. I don't really understand this. What exactly do you want me to do???
First of all, ask yourself if you would like to make some extra money with
little effort (anyone would want that, right?)
Post by Corey
"Would you rather go it alone and have to do all the work to get a return
on your investment OR would you rather work with a group of like minded
people who help each other earn a return on their investment?"
Post by Corey
If you answered yes to that, you should not hesitate to join us right
away. Start from the Home Page, 1st pay your sponsor, the 1st member, 2nd,
3rd, 4th and 5th member. Now you are ready to sign up.
Post by Corey
When joining, you will be asked to choose which MLM opportunity downline
builders (Sponsor) you would like to join. You can select any or search
Post by Corey
After you have joined, you can just sit back and wait to see your downline
grow, OR you can do some sponsoring yourself to move things along a lot
Post by Corey
2. I still think this is very suspicious
We are aware that this seems strange to most of you. You think that this
is a pyramid scheme or a fraud that will make you lose your money. We do not
collect the fees from members, set their guidelines or pay the commissions
earned. Each member pays his upline directly without companies involvement.
Post by Corey
Multi Level Marketing is a serious business strategy to put a company in
great profit. By using a group of independent contactors they have a major
savings on advertising. So, they pay YOU to advertise and sell their product
for them. They use this savings to pay you a commission on your sales and
the sales of your downline!
Post by Corey
The majority of people that get involved in MLM or Network Marketing (95%
is the latest figure published) don't recruit a large enough downline to
get a return on their investment. By gathering all the people that cannot
sell or recruit, we end up with a huge mass of people who end up losing
their investment. Here is where Contagious Plan enters. By banding together
and helping each other, everyone can get a return on their investment with
just a fraction of the work and cost it would take alone! Everyone wins!
Post by Corey
3. I don't see why I should join you
You will probably forget about us in a couple of days. You did NOT make
any money and you did NOT lose any time. I guarantee you that you will be
seeing our name around the net and our members talking about the club. Maybe
the next time you see something about us you will decide that a little help
would be nice. So you visit again and this time decide to sign up.
Post by Corey
You visit our Home page, read the message board and see that other people
are excited about what we offer. You wait for a few weeks but then you lose
confidence in our system, so you leave. This time you did NOT make any money
but you DID lose some time. Again in a few days you forget about Contagious
Post by Corey
Then you see something about Contagious Plan again. You decide to give it
another try. You visit the member's area, read the message board and mail a
few people to hear their opinion about the club. You give it a little more
time and suddenly you feel excited. No doubt about it, all these people are
here to make money! And in the message board there are people who actually
have made money and who participate again!
Post by Corey
A couple of months pass and suddenly it's your turn to join the MLM
company. You hesitate. Should you really risk the investment of say $12?
After thinking it over, you decide to go for it. After all, $12 is not that
much money these days.
Post by Corey
Now comes the hardest part. Waiting for the members below you to join.
This requires patience. They now need to wait for their downline to grow.
You should try to help the members below you by answering their questions
and easing their mind. If you did it, they can do it!
Post by Corey
A couple of days will pass again. You begin to think that you were fooled
and then suddenly... Pop! look into your mailbox. Excited you open it...$2 x
5=$10! in your PayPal account. You are stunned! Although the sum isn't big,
you scream out loud because your initial investment is almost paid back. It
worked! It really worked!
Post by Corey
Quickly you telling others about Contagious Plan. Excitedly you write in
the message board that you have got your first payment! "It really works, so
now I'm going to join again!"
Post by Corey
A couple of days later...Pop! ...$120! Gosh! Two weeks later...$200!
"Sheezzaam! This really works! How could I ever doubt in this?!"
Post by Corey
You can continue to go it alone and do all the hard work, invest all the
time and money it takes to build a downline of eager opportunity seekers who
also want to make an extra income OR you can at least check it out.
Post by Corey
4. Why do I need you? Can't I join the MLM company directly?
Of course you can join any business opportunity you want without our
assistance. If you are willing to continuously work countless hours
convincing others to join under you to keep your downline filled. You will
almost certainly fail and lose confidence in the network marketing method.
Post by Corey
Contagious Plan helps you with the hardest part of MLM...to sponsor
people. When everyone who joins does just a little marketing everyday,
everyone's downline stays filled! Everyone earns doing just a fraction of
the work that the super salespeople have to do!
Post by Corey
Each of us wanted to earn some extra income when we tried out our first
MLM company. Because we were working alone we failed. That's why we started
the club! We knew there had to be a better way. What if the 95% who would
normally fail joined together to help each other SUCCEED?! Contagious Plan
was born with this thought! We want to help YOU make money!
Post by Corey
6. What if the company closes after 6 months? I don't believe any MLM
Post by Corey
Normally, MLM companies fail when the growth stops and the revenue
generated is far less than the Multi-Tier Payouts. Contagious Plan does not
have any Payouts each member pays his upline directly, so there is no
question of closing. We take only a part of your fee to keep the Website
going and to cover the administration cost.
Post by Corey
If you have done the little work needed to train your immediate downline
to do what you did, you can watch as the members below you join and pay as
well. Then you will start receiving $$$ from your downline!
Post by Corey
If you choose to do nothing it will take a lot longer to fill your
downline. But hey, you did nothing, so why complain? You never have to do
anything except for paying the fee when invited to join under your upline
Post by Corey
7. This looks like a pyramid scheme to me. How can you say it is legal?
Pyramid schemes or chain letters are illegal. Contagious Plan is NOT one
of those. Contagious Plan is a Downline building Club. We help you build
downlines with interested people who want to join the MLM companies.
Post by Corey
In a pyramid scheme you buy yourself a position in a network in order to
make money and the company offers no product. The way you make money is to
get other people to join under you and get them to get others to join under
them, without getting a product.
Post by Corey