check out these can use a modern freeware bbs and mod it to
replace the 1 user per 1 computer only ghost game system gcom was using on a
sep dos 6.22 machine with a bbs pkg called sychronet
can also grab other features for use with your mbbs or wg menu system from
same can get a mod to make it look like a gcomm worldgroup
menu system ..and thus keep the feel of worldgroup..but allowing you to run
dos 6.22 door type games on a 32bit windows me,nt,xp etc multinode
mode (ie. 10 plus users or more at a time in same door game) he has a 32bit
fossil driver that allows this with synchronet..anyway the mod
( server mod) to allow you make a setup
look and act like a worldgroup game (mostly menu) game located
at he has the directions and tweaks to do is the
only way to fly...also this pkg runs the NEW 32bit fossil door games being
written now as well
anyway...its a neat solution to salvaging doors etc...another resource is
the bbs archives...the link escapes me a google...they have piece of
software called game serv?...that is also actively being supported and also
does much of the same above...
last point the stuff has a pretty good USENET option..not
the stuff that wg used that you had to contact the isp to setup or that is a good way to get usenet and fido to your old
worldgroup setup..also software has built in rlogin and
tcp/ip etc may give some people with major bbs and no internet
connectivity a way to get some use out of their non-inet packages 2c worth prob better solutions but that was how i used to do it
former sysop (still down..dang it)
Post by E. NusbaumI'm currently running MajorBBS 6.25 in DOS with Vircom Major TCP/IP add-on
for telnet support.
I'm curious if anyone's been able to get any classic DOOR.SYS games to work
in MajorBBS (or WG). I've been reading up on the MajorBBS documentation and
it seems you'd be able to using GHost (which comes with MBBS/WG).
Any thoughts or experiences? I'd love to get games like LORD2, BRE and
whatnot up on my board.
- E. Nusbaum