2007-01-13 22:54:15 UTC
Nostalgia BBS will have to make some important decisions in the coming
months. As some of you may know, April 2007 will be the one-year
anniversary of Nostalgia BBS's official opening. When we started this
Worldgroup server, we told ourselves that we were going to give it one
year, to see how well the board does.
When we were working hours daily, on the BBS itself, as well as
advertising the board on several message boards and newsgroups, we had
quite a bit of loggers, who came to play T-LORD, Swords of Chaos,
Mutants, BladeMaster, Farwest Trivia, and maybe a few other games.
For awhile, in fact, we had some really great LORD games and even was
able to host a tournament with a real prize, which we wanted to do most
than that one time, but the BBS sort of slowed down afterwards. We
started doing our own projects, away from Nostalgia BBS, in hopes that
it would run itself most of the time.
We've also added two gamenet servers, one which is run with a modified
version of Synchronet, and another using DOS and MajorBBS, with the
possability to add a DMA server later on.
One of our personal goals was to run a worldgroup server that did not
put all of its resources in to MajorMud, but to possibly add it in the
future. We did not want people skipping over all of the great games
worldgroup (and major bbs/synchronet) had to offer, for one game.
In the last few months, the reality hit that a successful worldgroup
bbs can't be built over night, or even in a year's time, with out
In the last year, we've put several thousand dollars in to both the
hardware and software, which is currently spread out through 4 servers,
to run the BBS and all of the gamenet servers, but now it's time to
make some important decisions regarding the future of Nostalgia BBS.
Here are some choices:
#1: Nostalgia BBS goes down after April 2007
#2: Nostalgia BBS is sold off
#3: One or more people contribute the registration cost of MajorMud, to
try to salvage the BBS.
#4: Nostalgia BBS changes its name and becomes an exclusive web-based
club, which has little or nothing to do with BBSes.
#5: PostPone the April deadline for ? months
#6: ?!?
We may even consider doing a co-owner system, where one or more
third-parties would become SysOPs on the BBS, spend time and work on
the bbs, and financial support for new mods or hardware as needed. They
would have as much creative control, for rule changing, name changes,
making new menus, adding or deleting software, who becomes
sysops/gameops/forumops, and more. The only thing is that the server
would still be run where it is, and no registration numbers would be
given out to them, until when/if the bbs goes down, with the agreement
that if/when we stopped running the BBS, all software and registration
numbers (aka ownership) would be transferred to the co-owner for
him/her to do what he/she wants to with the BBS (Run it, sell it, trade
come to nostalgia bbs if you have any suggestions - email our sysop or
use the hello forums.
months. As some of you may know, April 2007 will be the one-year
anniversary of Nostalgia BBS's official opening. When we started this
Worldgroup server, we told ourselves that we were going to give it one
year, to see how well the board does.
When we were working hours daily, on the BBS itself, as well as
advertising the board on several message boards and newsgroups, we had
quite a bit of loggers, who came to play T-LORD, Swords of Chaos,
Mutants, BladeMaster, Farwest Trivia, and maybe a few other games.
For awhile, in fact, we had some really great LORD games and even was
able to host a tournament with a real prize, which we wanted to do most
than that one time, but the BBS sort of slowed down afterwards. We
started doing our own projects, away from Nostalgia BBS, in hopes that
it would run itself most of the time.
We've also added two gamenet servers, one which is run with a modified
version of Synchronet, and another using DOS and MajorBBS, with the
possability to add a DMA server later on.
One of our personal goals was to run a worldgroup server that did not
put all of its resources in to MajorMud, but to possibly add it in the
future. We did not want people skipping over all of the great games
worldgroup (and major bbs/synchronet) had to offer, for one game.
In the last few months, the reality hit that a successful worldgroup
bbs can't be built over night, or even in a year's time, with out
In the last year, we've put several thousand dollars in to both the
hardware and software, which is currently spread out through 4 servers,
to run the BBS and all of the gamenet servers, but now it's time to
make some important decisions regarding the future of Nostalgia BBS.
Here are some choices:
#1: Nostalgia BBS goes down after April 2007
#2: Nostalgia BBS is sold off
#3: One or more people contribute the registration cost of MajorMud, to
try to salvage the BBS.
#4: Nostalgia BBS changes its name and becomes an exclusive web-based
club, which has little or nothing to do with BBSes.
#5: PostPone the April deadline for ? months
#6: ?!?
We may even consider doing a co-owner system, where one or more
third-parties would become SysOPs on the BBS, spend time and work on
the bbs, and financial support for new mods or hardware as needed. They
would have as much creative control, for rule changing, name changes,
making new menus, adding or deleting software, who becomes
sysops/gameops/forumops, and more. The only thing is that the server
would still be run where it is, and no registration numbers would be
given out to them, until when/if the bbs goes down, with the agreement
that if/when we stopped running the BBS, all software and registration
numbers (aka ownership) would be transferred to the co-owner for
him/her to do what he/she wants to with the BBS (Run it, sell it, trade
come to nostalgia bbs if you have any suggestions - email our sysop or
use the hello forums.