If you mean that you want to dial into your BBS to get on the net then no.
It requires an
add-on that Vircom sold. It's kind of a PITA to set up too because the
add-on installs itself as a NIC. You need to bind that NIC to a subnet of
IP's that
is a subnet of your larger subnet. It uses 3 IP's right off the bat since
you need
LINE, WIRE and the IP for the virtual NIC that acts as a gateway for dialup.
That's before you even assign IP's for dialup use. Under these conditions,
the smallest
subnet that will work is 4 IP's. Now add in the one you will use just for
the BBS and
your system already consumes 5 IP addresses.
If you don't have that many available then you will need to use a private
subnet and
use NAT to get out. Of course that means also using NAPT to get incoming
to work.
Good luck.
Post by BrianDoes 3.3 support dial up PPP without an addon? I run a 3.3 web server and
need to set one modem up for myself when I'm away.
Should work off your com port
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