I must be missing something, I have the majortcp zip file, but there
is no tcplibm.dll in there. Is there another package? I had all of
this years ago, but list most it from floppies. I have the base board
w/26nodes and games. Please let me know if I am missing something for
MBBS6.25 to allow incoming telnet. I can get it up and running with
com/ip, but that costs too much. I want to get the old timers
together on a MBBS system that was turned off in 1994. No charge, no
time limits. Just the fun of reading the game instead of watching
pictures all day.
Post by alucarDOk just a quick question how can i get a copy of major tcp/ip for mbbs.
i have a full working 256 copy of mbbs 6.25 and need tcp/ip to work it into
WG anyideas ??
also looking for tw2002 for mbbs or wg
thanks in advance
Post by Danielsince vircomm doesnt support it anymore want it 256 user registered?
use a hex editor and remove the reg # checking system from tcplibm.dll
boom, next time ya start it up 256 user mode
and this does work