Post by bradwhat is really that a copy of the freeware pkg synchronet is about 2 versions away of a full tcp/ip version of what
a wg setup with vircom tcp/ip was....with webserver...and all the stuff they
are selling for way to many $$$$ now that wg used to be.... (less the c/s
software terminal program) within next year this migration to all the
features above that wg had less c/s will prob be complete...(my view) .not
only that the synchronet pkg runs on a winXP or Linux machine and also
allows you to run door multiple node...something wg was never
able to do w/o desqview or some such. on a wg setup...they made a fossil32
driver to get around and run the old door games/etc.....if nothing else
synchronet works great running under a multiple door game server..or
at least it did on my system...was the way i used to get Newsgroups. ...back
to the wg setup....etc like alt.bbs.majorbbs etc....and i would feed it back
to the wg setup i had
check it out...when it hits the level of a web server and has all the
features of major bbs and tcp/ip and newsgroup feeder that works fido and
the rest...and runs on winXP..and is still supported...well....i prob will
have to hang up the old wg setup (maybe but for a majormud server) if i ever
get the bbs backup....i mean if i just go back to my old gonzo setup run a
web server, ftp server, multinode games, file area etc...and under
synchronet you can even pick the menu type you want like wg or wildcat or
whatever..i mean..whats the point..if it does all i want....looks the way i
want it to look..wg like....(habit) runs doors better, etc etc....i guess
just running the majormud as a DMA server on the side.....and maybe a few
specific wg games....the wg would (prob will be) redundant big time (as
thou bbs's per say are not that anyway)
the synchronet author..also even offers free dns service to synch sysops
thru his site...jeez....
at the very least it is a nice way to run a multinode door system under your
wg legacy setup
whatever.....i'm just amazed..that they still are making major
on any bbs pkg these days....
anyway end of plug......and my 2c worth....i'll prob get slammed here about
not being a wg purist anymore...
but its hard to stay in love when the girl left town..what 7 years ago now?
former sysop
Post by Conner DestronPost by Admiral Oliver Franklin DoomThanks, alot, Nathan....
Isn't it ironic that I have $4500 worth of MajorBBS somewhere in my
software collection....and it is worth less than WorldGroup, which
sounds like it has a value of almost 0.
Ironic... maybe, I have over $10k worth of Worldgroup 1.01 software
Post by Conner Destronmy BBS
(I paid that for it back in 1996 anyway) and if I contact what's left of
Galacticomm they
tell me that to upgrade to the current version would cost me another $3k
(roughly) and
I'll lose most of my modules and have to pay even more for the new
Post by Conner Destronof the rest
of my modules so they'll be compatible. And in this thread we saw a link
Post by Conner Destrona web
posting offering an almost current upgrade version along with a copy of
Post by Conner Destronversion I'm
running for $50.... Sad is a more appropriate word from my viewpoint. :(
Well, I won't flame you for not being a WG Purist, but I will remind you
that netiquette calls for *bottom* posting when posting to usenet. ...With
that out of the way. Because I've already invested so much into WG (not
willing to spend the extra thousands to upgrade), I'm keeping WG as my
primary BBS server, but have set-up Synchronet as my game server/secondary
BBS. I will agree that it does most of the same thing as WG just as aptly,
but the baja language for writing menus is a little cumbersome. WG handles
FTP a bit more cleanly, though Synchronet handles NNTP better. WG (not
running Vircom, running ICO) handles web serving better, but lags a bit on
telnet. Synchronet paging and other globals leave a great deal to be
desired. The chatroom actions on Synchronet are not nearly as easy or nice
as the actions available on WG. I've yet to find a door based trivia that's
nearly as nice as FarWest Trivia. Synchronet's author provides free support
but, from what I've seen, only to those who either suck-up to him or can
stand his holy-than-thou omnificent attitudes and because his documentation,
which he loves to send people links too, is poorly written and intermeshed
for multiple versions and only available online via a deep website...
suffice it to say, I will continue to use my copy of Synchronet and my copy
of WG in their present roles which is sort of complex because WG is my BBS,
Web, ftp, email, etc., while Synchronet is my door server and nntp as well
as my smtp blacklist checker, but synchronet will not become my primary
server to replace my WG ever. Now, obviously this is not written to be a
recommendation, or even a professional critic, for anyone, just a statement
of my experience ad my setup. Your mileage may well vary greatly on this. As
far as his free dynamic DNS, I haven't tried it, though I've heard far less
negatives about it via his Dove-net than Synchronet itself, and I've seen
one example of it being better (more reliable) than another sysop's primary
dynamic DNS provider first-hand, but there are plenty of free dynamic dns
providers out there, I happen to use with no problems after more
than two years of continuous use and thus have no reason to try another
presently. Sadly, I would almost have to agree that it's amazing to find
that a BBS software company is still providing major revisions these days,
but I know that the majority of their sales are to companies for behind the
scenes use where most people will never be aware that it's being used. I
also know that America Online started with MajorBBS (after their transition
to AOL) and hired coders to modify it to suite their own taste, but also
kept up with WorldGroup's revision changes through WG3 as the basis for
their own otherwise completely customized interface, guess in their own way
they've actually done more than most of us would like to credit them with
towards keeping BBSing alive.
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