Ok everybody, here it is
I uploaded the file you need to patch the worldgroup client.
Basically, the link below takes you to virtual asia which has all of the
instructions. I've also attached that as a txt file in case the website
disappears. If it does shut down I hope this will stay in the newsgroups
Basically everything that it says you need to select and some other
features are already selected on the fixes part, so you don't have to go
through the tedious list and double check or do anything other than browse
for file, and put in its name below under command line "GCSVCMAN.EXE",
respectively. Click on advanced on the bottom and select the option as it
says in the document. Then click create fix support, okay to the dialog
boxes and then click run. Voila. If this doesn't work, in the fixes
select all the "WOW's" on the bottom. Create fix support okay dialog
boxes and run the file again. This will change your resolution to 8 or 16
bit. Close the program and it will restore your high color mode
Now, uncheck all the WOW boxes in fixes, click create fix support, okay
dialog boxes again, and then click run... it should work perfectly now.
Okay now that you know what to do with the file.. here's the file... it
comes on your windows xp cd under support/tools. The file is called
"act20.exe" and after you install it you will see a tool appear called
qfixapp.exe. This is the actual tool that you need to use to apply the
patch. This is also the file that is included in the zip file.
That's what worked for me, with XP SP2.
Good Luck!!
ATTACHMENTS: qfixapp.exe + detailed instructions = zip file.
POSTED BY manofearth
Post by bradPost by manofearthYep, this works!!
Post by bradPost by manofearthWhere Can I find the Worldgroup Client XP Patch?
i think i tried this once and it worked before i did a wipe of an hd
Post by manofearthPost by bradxp...(better safe then sorry...) it did work
and because i tried it on an xp version (pre service pack 2 thou) that
gonna dump was the safe way to see
if it worked
someone else on the newsgroup here also emailed me later they got it
and may still have it up
i'd archive the above page though and/or print out the
Post by manofearthPost by bradof
these days this page is gonna go
away...it is only working page ref to how to do this fix on the inet
Post by manofearthPost by bradi
have seen that actually works and is
still up..so print it out and/or archive it
i just tried the link it works as of 3/16/05 at 12:16am cst usa
the only thing is ..it might need tweaking since the service pack 2
Post by manofearthPost by bradhas come out...xp is a little touchy about setting up stuff for
outside access these days...also anything like norton systemworks or
internet works which watches ports as well as of course firewalls etc
might take extra tweaking then this old page of info says ...
i should try to get this up again myself....but wg system is not
kinda forgot about it
i'd post guestions on the newsgroup others will be better able to
some of the above then myself..
anyway...that is the only current link i know of ...and as far as i
the www.worldgroupware.com site has no instructions for this in their
library...you might want to upload it there as well if you are feeling
generous..i don't think they monitor this newsgroup anymore...
former sysop lost-gonzo.com
well..upload it as a .zip or something easy ...just zip the www page of
instructions...call it "wg client manager on xp system " in
uploading it on to a few boards and/or www.gcomm.com and
before the instructions on how to do this is lost..i would do it
i always seem to forget and fritter it off someplace....and/or forget
to do it the 1x every 9months or so i check the above links
if nothing else maybe i'll actually put it back on to my XP system for
jollies wg manager that is...then my 1x every 9 months hitting on above
it will be like the old days...sigh...
former sysop lost-gonzo.com