Post by Joseph CroninI rember you... did you connect to my DMA server?
yeah..probably..i forget the name was it paradox? i connected to a couple at
that time they were offered...
do you still have a wg system up....?
yeah...main problem here is no help..i have a bunch of stuff that would
really liven up someones www site in
this area of the woods (southern minnesota, mankato)..but alas...everyone
just wants dull www page front ends
on there web server platforms and leased lines out here..
i've said this before ...but have no time i prob need to start some kinda
retro computer club (apple //, c64..that era)
or/combo bbs related group to get this beast revived..but have no time...for
the junk i have around here computer wise...
by the way...anyone out there know anything about real ancient linux
stuff....i need linux ver 1.2 i think it was compiled
and ready to run....i want to experiment with my worldgroup for linux (sorry
guys can't hand it out gcom and the rest know i
have it and it has my reg number on unless you can get perm from them
in writing i can't release it...i've had 2 developers
try and never heard a i don't think it is happening..even though
officially wg for linux is abandonware..or so it was stated
back in the day when they dumped it......go figure...
anyway anyone know about this kinda stuff...let me know...i don't program
and making kernals confuses me..but the
wg for linux stuff is soo.....old it won't work with any thing but a kernal
built with the 1.2 version...or i suppose if someone
had such on a bare hd that might get me to try it...with it
idiot proof i know nothing of linux and my linux guru
friend had no luck with any package above 1.2 even old 3.0 stuff....if i
remeber right they changed the name of the copy or install
comand ..the executable program file just thought we were daft..when we did
the standard linux execute command...or so we think
hard to play with stuff and see if it works if you can't get an o/s for it
also...of course....i can't copy (nor read) the linux floppy disks that came
with it for sun, linux, bsd etc...this is for the 1.01
upgrade from wg 1.00 1.01 that i prob could pass
out...but alas unless someone knows of a copy pkg that can copy
this disk on a ms dos machine to another floppy i can't do that
either....(of course i suppose it could be possible they are
blank..but they seem to be the have wg installed now
put in floppy for 1.01 patch type of thing when
you install the system...assuming i could install the system...arrgh....and
viola your version is 1.01 kinda thing...knowing wg
other errors then pop up..and off you continue on the contived install
anyway having all this worldgroup stuff like having a 1939
porche....really neat ...but no garage to put it in....sigh
former sysop
mrbrad AT
(of course anyone here is welcome to move to mankato, minnesota where i
think the temp now is around 18 degree F.....)