Hola! I have found this group as many others...
(too old to reply)
Mr Anderson
2004-02-04 04:09:33 UTC
search yet find so very little support for mbbs/wg

I have called many old companies only to be told they no longer have the key
makers to code my s/n - I have been told to give up my old mbbs and wg's
with the s/n's and peeps can hack the games to the s/n's -

even tho this has been tempting I can not allow this to happen - having
spent in excess of $20k on galacticomm over the years.

I am wondering where I might surf to find any current Repositories of the
program from day one old school source codes to current applications.

grey_hat considerations.

- cheers
2004-02-04 15:21:16 UTC
To: "Mr Anderson" <***@dccnet.com>
Re: Hola! I have found this group as many others...
Post by Mr Anderson
search yet find so very little support for mbbs/wg
I have called many old companies only to be told they no longer have the key
makers to code my s/n - I have been told to give up my old mbbs and wg's
with the s/n's and peeps can hack the games to the s/n's -
even tho this has been tempting I can not allow this to happen - having
spent in excess of $20k on galacticomm over the years.
I am wondering where I might surf to find any current Repositories of the
program from day one old school source codes to current applications.
grey_hat considerations.
- cheers
--- Synchronet 3.11b-Win32 NewsLink 1.69
there is not much code around, I have mostly mbbs 6.2X source code.
I have the code to the bbs and the ent. collection and some games and addons.
and I have the wg 3.2 source code and a game I tryed to port which isn't
working yet. Quest For Magic, it compiles but wg won't init it for some reason.


Star Wars Bumper Sticker:
"Yoda School of Grammar Graduate, I Am!"
2004-06-16 03:16:58 UTC
Ok here we go again...
I have no problem hack this stuff sinc i am ont trying to make money or open
it up to the worl i am just trying to get mbbs versions of tradewars 2002
and mg's lords of cyberspace and swords of chaos and the rose and finaly
majormud..... Thies are all of my addictions and i am not intrested in
running a board for the world just my in hous family 10 total people in my
Thanks for the help and time
Post by Corey
Re: Hola! I have found this group as many others...
Post by Mr Anderson
search yet find so very little support for mbbs/wg
I have called many old companies only to be told they no longer have the key
makers to code my s/n - I have been told to give up my old mbbs and wg's
with the s/n's and peeps can hack the games to the s/n's -
even tho this has been tempting I can not allow this to happen - having
spent in excess of $20k on galacticomm over the years.
I am wondering where I might surf to find any current Repositories of the
program from day one old school source codes to current applications.
grey_hat considerations.
- cheers
--- Synchronet 3.11b-Win32 NewsLink 1.69
there is not much code around, I have mostly mbbs 6.2X source code.
I have the code to the bbs and the ent. collection and some games and addons.
and I have the wg 3.2 source code and a game I tryed to port which isn't
working yet. Quest For Magic, it compiles but wg won't init it for some reason.
"Yoda School of Grammar Graduate, I Am!"