Post by QuestmanPost by BrianApparently there is no updated version of WG coming. Color me naive.
Being helplessly ingrained in WG 3.3 with 2500+ users and 150K page loads
per month is there a product that would allow me to run 3rd party apps such
as IM and email servers authenticated against WG 3.3?
I believe there was one but I never paid much attention to it's capabilities
and now cant think of the name of it for the life of me.
Hi Brian!
I do not recall an authentication product that allows auth against
Worldgroup's database, however, it would be relatively easy to write.
1. How would the Email/IM/etc servers want to "connect" - would they
prefer using a URL Connection, or a port connection with a proprietary
command script? Or something else?
2. What platforms would be calling WG to auth? Java? UNIX?
Let me know, and I can try to work on something for you for a reasonable
Elwynor Technologies
The product I had in mind was radius which obviously is not what I thought
it was. Since posing this question I have done some more research and it
seems that what I need is an LDAP or active directory setup. The problem is
that it apparently will involve an awfull learning curve and most likely a
big dollar outlay as well. I have yet to find any "out of the box" type
product and what there is seems geared towards enterprise business
Anyway, what I thought was that I could set up an "Ldap", whatever that
might consist of and auth WG against it as I replace WG modules one by one
with aftermarket products keeping the sign up/login process centralized.
Based on what you are saying I wonder if I could retain the WG as the
"Ldap", Identity management, user database or whatever you want to call it.
The types of products I would want to auth against it would be email server,
forums, instant messenger, photo database, etc. Essentially I have a poor
man's portal in WG 3.3 but need to take it to the next level with some state
of the art features/software without spending enterprise type dollars.
I'm currently getting 150-200k page loads per month with 2500 users. I have
up to 30 users online at any given time with forums being the main draw
followed by email. Income is based on advertising.
I know that if I can update I can probably double those stats within a year.
It seems that all the login based web doodads I look at are moving towards
authenticating against either Ldap or AD standards. I have no idea what the
mechanics are behind that, could an interface be written to make WG act as a
poor man's overly simple user management system using ladap/AD standards?
Brian at