----- Original Message -----
From: "Admiral Oliver Franklin Doom"
Newsgroups: alt.bbs.majorbbs
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 6:22 AM
Subject: Finding WorldGroup
Post by Admiral Oliver Franklin DoomWhere can one find a copy of WorldGroup? I have SOMEWHERE a copy of
Major 4.5....but looking for a copy of WOrldGroup. Any help would be
here is a link to new still wrapped versions of wg 1.01 i think...he also is
tossing in
a wg 3.20 CD..not sure on what the upgrade path of that is...
anyway...like 62 bucks or some such if i remember right....for both
anyway it is almost worth it just to get the dang manuals....and not have to
search for it on ebay
here is the link
former sysop lost-gonzo.com (still down sigh)