I'm not sure how he handled it in this instance, but some developers
issued partial source code so people could customize their games, but
not bypass the licensing code. They did this by distributing anywhere
from 50-90% of the functions in C form, but also a LIB or OBJ that
contains the reg. functions as well as other necessary functions (init,
or some command processing, etc, so that if you tried to compile without
it, you wouldn't get a DLL. Tessier did this a lot. He even did this
in the v5.xx days when you HAD to have source to compile the BBS. He'd
give you a C file with the module struct definition (back then you had
to assign the module slot manually) and nothing else! (I even had some
OBJ only modules where you had no choice!)
It certainly wasn't freely released, though. I'm sure he either issued
it to purchasers, OR, charged a little extra. There is no full source
pack for Tele-Arena floating around that I'm aware of.
I recommend contacting the author directly. If he is no longer
maintaining it, perhaps you could convince him to issue it as GPL, like
Mike Murdock is doing and I am doing.
Post by NathanSo this was released to some individuals? Or is it something that can
be donwloaded freely?
I have TA, and a running WG 2.0 BBS.
Well, it was running anyway, its down at the moment...
Post by CoreyTo: Nathan
Re: Tele-Arena.... Source?
By: Nathan to alt.bbs.majorbbs on Sat Jul 03 2004 02:56 pm
Post by NathanI had heard once that at some point the source code for Tele-Arena 5.6
was released. It's been sort of a phantom ive been chasing for a few
years now. Every now and then i get a lead, and something ends up
barring me from actually getting my hands on it.
Post by NathanSo im wondering, can anyone at least confirm that it does exist
Post by Nathanof the author's basement, and would anyone have any leads that i can
spend hours following?
Post by NathanHonestly im not sure what i'd do with it once i got it, its just
something ive been hunting down for years.
Post by NathanTheres no place like ~/.
Post by Nathan--- Synchronet 3.11c-Win32 NewsLink 1.76
part of it is out, sean gave some people partial source code.
it's enoght to change it, but not enoght to bypass his license code
and make it free. you still need a valid license to use it.
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